
I was wondering why I hadn’t seen him in a while.. yikes.

Good for Cardi for doing what she felt was right. Many people will say “dump his ass” but maybe that wasn’t the right thing for her. I hope they can make it work.

I think it’s a bit of both. 

I remember a time when I wanted to believe she could change the Republican party for the better. Those times are over. 

I love Lizzo as much as the next millenial but that outfit was just a big t-shirt with the ass cut out. Maybe I’m not “fashion forward” but it felt dumb for the sake of being dumb and I can’t wrap my head around why walking around in a thong with your exposed ass is in any way comfortable.

I don’t get why people still like ScarJo. She’s boring on screen and her opinions are trash.

Wow. What a gaddamn monster.

God just that one clip of them and the police officer gave me chills. My dad warned me from a young age to act a certain way with the police for this exact reason. 

What a horrible sad thing to happen. I hope his murderer never steps foot outside of a prison ever again.

It was such a cute movie, and they did a good job emphasizing adoption of shelter animals. 

I have a friend who speaks in a weird Moira Rose like accent. She’s from the south. 

It’s so unfair that Whitney and her daughter are both gone. 

What the fuck even is this logic

Fuck yeah, Danica!! It’s so surreal to see her face everywhere these days, but I love it and I love knowing how much she cares. She’s the kind of politician we need and the fact that she’s a heavy metal vocalist from our local scene makes it even cooler!!

So I think Christina’s dad is Ecuadorian and she probably thought that gave her free range to do the spray tan “street” look (GAG). She’s technically a Latina but still white a/f and there’s no excuse for that orange skin. Now someone tell Ariana Grande.

This is terrible. I remember kids in elementary school used to tell me they don’t celebrate Halloween because “it’s the devil’s birthday”, which really confused me at the time because the devil was an angel so he didn’t have a birthday.

He’s really starting to sound like a cult leader.

I’m going to a Renaissance Festival themed wedding this weekend and I think that’s a perfectly reasonable dress code. 

I mean, this makes sense. I generally joke about the fact that I’m a narcissist but there’s no way I’d make such an effort to please myself if I didn’t love myself and believe I deserve it.

This really is some artistic skill that totally blows me away. The colors, especially. I’m so impressed by the amount of detail these women can get on the dolls.