I agree. Hard to not like her for a minute.
I agree. Hard to not like her for a minute.
Okay, that satisfies my curiosity. Honestly, like I said, I have no informed opinion on this issue. I was speaking in generalities.
and here is where I high five myself continuously in your honor...I.e.clap.
Alcohol before the legal limit - or full brain development - could cause cognitive issues. This is why underage drinking is so harmful, even though a majority of people probably have or will do it in their lifetime. Yeah, we all could have been smarter without that prom night kegger.
I am kind of confused. So, if you support something or have an opinion on something and someone else who shares the same opinion decides go fucking nutso and makes death threats because of it, you should suddenly feel ashamed for your beliefs? That doesn't make sense. I am applying this broadly, not just with this…
38C. Next question? Feminist? Yes. But more of an MLK feminist than a Malcolm X feminist...equality, not dominance. And a Black Widow movie? Not sure. If DC steps up to take their Wonder Woman out, then yes. Super Vs.
This does cut them off at the knees, so proportions look way worse than they actually are...though that's not an excuse for the very clear age differences between him, her and his kid. Something seems...off...but if they're happy, whatever.
going to the top of my Christmas list. ...the onesie, not the sex doll. I don't need doubles.
doING squats works better than kegels, which actually don't do much for the pelvic floor, which is the ultimate control room for those muscles.
I get it, some parents aren't comfortable with their child saying proper words for their bits, mostly because they feel it's a grownup thing and they weren't able to say it when they were kids/don't want to acknowledge that their kids have private areas, but there are some words they use instead that make me sick.…
Not racist. Married to a minority. Thanks for playing.
Also, Conroe school district? Not surprising....Some of the things my sisters tell me teachers do are complete WTF things that make me pissed. It's the whole reason I want to change my career path to being a teacher. No lie.
Not shitting you, this was my little sister's teacher. She literally got arrested the period before my sister was supposed to go to her class. This is trippy....
Why immediately do we need to attack conservatives? I am one and I denounce the current police state. I don't believe in big government. What our government does to its own people is despicable. What they did to Mike Brown is despicable. What they are doing right now to everyone at the vigil is despicable. They need…
You think we are all the same; guess what? You are wrong on that note. However, I agree that many of the more outspoken people here are pretty darn ignorant. I know how rich the cultures of Australia and Africa are. I am not ignorant. A lot of us are not. Stop being a freaking hypocrite and judging the knowledge base…
hint: never anywhere at anytime.
OMG...that was too awesome.
woW...those are two very different ends of the spectrum..