floop the pig

If your enemy is superior, evade him. If angry, irritate him. If equally matched, fight, and if not, split and reevaluate. But first kick him in the chest with your Sperry top-sider.

This is what Chris Rock’s Oscar monologue should have been imho. He kept it 100.

Just saying that doesn’t make it so. The methods that Certified farms use are night and day compared to Monsanto farms (it’s pretty much one or the other around here) and that has clear and important consequences for the people growing our food, and the land and water they use to grow it. I think it’s 7 years without

Yes! “Like A Prayer” over “Greetings From Asbury Park”?? In what universe does that even make sense!?! I knew they’d both been huffing glue as soon as they said that shit.

And here is our mascot.

She is our Nerd Queen.

It’s what I called the red light district of my Sim City town. But that was a typo, was supposed to be Trampville.

At first I was like, “What is offensive about this?” But then I thought about if snapchat had a blackface filter and she posted “INSTA-BLACK PERSON,” and told myself to shut the fuck up.

The stupid fucking “Hi Low” trend has been ALL OVER the plus size clothing websites for about a year.

Funny, I have seen local cops handle a 12 year old in crisis without having to slam her or manhandle her in any way. They do possess the training to de-escalate problems without having to resort to violence but some of them just really, really want to be the heavy, no matter what.