
What a fucknugget!

Exactly. This is public service. It’s your job to answer to your constituents. Start doing your job.

I was just about to post something similar. I’m not a sore loser, I’m a pissed off citizen who doesn’t want to see my country destroyed by bigots and hypocrites.

My representative, Jason “Why is it my problem if my neighbor owns slaves” Lewis of Minnesota-02, is spending his time off this week writing letters to the editor calling town halls “partisan, political-point scoring” and claiming his schedule is “particularly busy” and thus he’s unable to schedule a town hall (as

“I have never seen so many more sore losers as there are today.”

Drake always gets back to the ‘Rihanna’s my queen’ thing when things go south with his relationships. He uses her as a marketing ploy, because until J- Lo, it was very cute to see them together.

Maybe an unknown actress?

I honestly don’t think she has the right look for Belle, either. When I think of Belle, I think of the big doe eyes and the heart-shaped face. Emma Watson does not have those features. They could have chosen better, for this role.


Why is she walking on people’s work surfaces?

Ok. That clip is awful. Belle seems so basic, who would give a shit about her? Why is she walking on people’s work surfaces? What is up with the editing? Why are we looking at the back of this guy’s head?

I’m not really on Team ‘Emma Watson can act’, so I may be a tad biased, but all this clip achieved was to remind me how lovely Paige O’Hara’s singing voice is.

From the clip, it looks like they tried to just copy the animated movie. I hope they gave it more of an original twist. Otherwise, give me the animated.

Because she is not singing.


Emma gives off a “I’m better than all of you” vibe, whereas Cartoon Belle was, as you said, walking around in her own daydream.

Emma may have the look for Belle, but her voice is not suited for the character. I’m sorry, but this live version looks like garbage.

Belle is such a jerk. She didn’t even pay for that bread, then she goes walking through those kids laundry. Jerk.

I thought the whole thing about Belle being “strange” was how dreamy, bookish, and in-her-own-head she was..? Emma Watson doesn’t really come off that way in the scene. She walks on a counter for some reason, but other than that her interactions with people and animals seem perfectly normal. Don’t get me wrong, I love

Well Miss Smarty-Pants maybe you can tell us how she was supposed to get rid of the fly she swallowed?