
Hey you unmotivated non-voters and anti-Hillary protest voters, still feeling so fucking self-righteous? If you think we’re gonna last long enough to have that Susan Sarandon advertised “revolution” at the ballot box, then have I got a bridge to Russia to sell to you!

I was just watching that! That idiot had the nerve to say that they were spying on a private citizen. Flynn was the head of dia...you’d think he’d know that intelligence officials routinely intercept all communications with Russian ambassadors. The mental gymnastics that trump supporters are going through is

It makes no sense for Republicans to investigate Republicans.

I think it’s becoming more and more clear that Trump colluded with the Russians to throw the election in return for him lifting sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine (and whatever else they do in the future).

That’s not how you Republican.

I love how trumps only defense is: “these leaks are illegal!” Meanwhile during the campaign he said he loved Wikileaks and begged Russia to hack Hillary’s emails. Karma is a bitch.

Chaffetz has already said he isn’t having an investigation on the Trump-Russia links because “it’s resolved itself”. He’s a spineless partisan hack. Never expect anything more from the GOP.

Did anyone else have to remind themselves today that it hasn’t even been a month of a Trump presidency? We’ve had the saddest circus act ever going strong for LESS than thirty days! There is no way he makes four years, right?

Republicans are going to have to investigate now...right? This is jaw dropping stuff and corruption from the very top.

I don’t call them conservatives anymore, they’re extremists. And the reason they believe stupid things is because they ingest a steady diet of Fox not-news and nutty extremist websites. their votes and their very thoughts are based upon lies.

And if it hadn’t been for those illegals voting, he would have gotten 500 electoral votes. Exclamation point.

I’ll start enjoying it when something of actual consequence happens to her.

She really does look worse and worse as the days progress.

Nazi Barbie needs to go down in flames like the Hindenburg.

Nothing is going to happen. At all. Keep calling/faxing/protesting, people. With enough pressure, they won’t be able to pretend-punish people.

Happy Valentines Day!

Am I a bad person for enjoying this recent turn of events for Kellyanne as much as I am right now? It seriously brightened my Tuesday.