
NDA’s should be against the law in this case. Trump is no longer the CEO of a private company. He is the employee of 320 million people. Please tell me this violates some form of the Freedom of Information Act. If it doesn’t, someone needs to fucking get on that. The transition and everything that follows is part of

“Good news, Ms. Tequila, your security clearance has been approved!”

Is it sad that I’m surprised they fired him instead of giving him a promotion? It seems like having a disconnect with reality is the key qualification for having a high position among Trump’s team of advisors.

Exactly my thoughts, and then I remember it’s 2016 and my hopes are thrown out the window.

Please don’t let them replace him with someone worse, please don’t let them replace him with someone worse.

Then you are to blame for neonazis in the White House. Enjoy!

Ugh, things like the recounts and the push to have the Electoral College vote for Clinton are just making me feel worse, because they give me little bits of hope that are setting me up to be completely crushed all over again.

“Love thy neighbor as thyself. Unless they are colored, for the colored thou may hate freely.”

Church camp is where my husband felt his first boob. He also witnessed a blowjob. My children are NEVER going to church camp.

Sooooo much this. People are so freaked out about Atheists not having any morals, but that hasn’t stopped religious people from being assholes for over a millennium!

The type of people who sue private schools for expelling their snowflake child are the type to teach them money and power can solve all problems, and consequences don’t exist.

Rich people demonstrate this every fucking day. Money=no consequences.

My guess is the parents had a role in shaping this behavior.

The biggest bullies towards my sister and me in school were the Jesus-iest girls ever. They attended all church services, youth activities, retreats, etc. And these girls made damn sure to let us know, especially when adults weren’t around, that our entire family would rot in hell for all eternity. Another girl told

These parents aren’t setting a great example for their girls by actively promoting the idea that personal responsibility and consequences can be negotiated if you have the money. Are any of the parents unduly perturbed by the fact that their kids displayed such terrible behavior?

Yea, no shit! It’s a private school so I am assuming at the beginning of the year, EVERY YEAR you and your shitty kid have to sign a contract saying that you are a representative of that school and if your child violates a code of conduct they can be expelled.

they were told that anything shared on the religious retreat “would be strictly confidential,”

Kindly read the 4,000+ word history I just spent months writing explaining why that is a gross oversimplification before you comment.

This, this, this. I shrug off a lot (though admittedly don’t watch any to my knowledge that seem to be all about showing off animated boobs and butts) but the one thing that has me shutting off a show within seconds is seeing little girl (or, like you said, characters that look like little girls but aren’t, WINK WINK)