
This is bullshit. The people of America shouldn’t have to foot the bill for this narcissist to keep a separate home because Melania & Barron are shitting their pants at the thought of being in such close quarters with the orange creamsicle fart.

That still pisses me off, even if the feds are paying for it. He and his family shouldn’t be entitled to any federal benefits (including Secret Service protection) until Trump pays his fair share in federal income taxes. Otherwise, all of us are suckers and are left with the bill.

Um fuck off. The headline is pretty damn clear. Don’t click if it’s not something you’re interested in. Don’t report on it? Are you fucking stupid?


With her bitch vagina and her opinions.

Or her Goldman Sachs cabinet! Phew! Lots of bullets dodged.

I had the misfortune of getting stuck on the block around Trump Tower while Christmas shopping yesterday. Holy fuckballs what a shit show. All of the sidewalks are divided by metal gates, the police presence is unreal, and it took me a solid 10 minutes to walk one block because of stupid tourists taking selfies with

But let’s all remember how corrupt Hilary is, with her email mismanagement and her charity—the one with high ratings from watchdog organizations. Good thing we dodged that bullet, huh?

Is someone surprised by reading this? Sadly I am not.

So, on a scale of 0 to 0, how shocking is it that a director’s commitment to “authenticity” requires degrading a woman, not a man?

Are white men ready to admit yet that devotion to this generation of auteur directors has been almost exclusively them jerking off a bunch of admitted sociopaths?

So he’s treating the President of the United States like a gym teacher treats a fat kid?

My favourite is the one who somehow thought Trump would solve the wage gap?! Even if you buy into his “I love women. Women are tremendous” bullshit, was I asleep when he acknowledged the wage gap?

“But but rich people won’t steal! And he has nice daughters!”.

I know right, he has records of his cons and it was told to them, it’s like they didn’t even fucking listen.

I, for one, am shocked, shocked to find that Trump is a lying con man. Nobody could possibly have known.

Well, I can take joy in the pain of people who are regretting their votes because Donald is not building a wall/prosecuting Clinton. I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for those ones.

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.