
Right? Oh, am I an intellectual elitist because I like facts? Well, so be it then.

I was encouraged by how she pushed them on this. On a typical cable news segment, the anchor would let everyone spout whatever garbage they wanted because “gotta hear all the sides!”

I saw a really great meme on Instagram but can’t find it now.

My paternal genetic donor who is a trump supporter loves going on about the articles he reads on Facebook like they are the holy grail of knowledge.

Would have been nice if CNN et al. would have been this incredulous and condescending to Trump himself, who is exactly as loony as these folks but now has actual power to act in reaction to conspiracy theories.

But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.

“That’s been around forever. If you keep reporting on it, it’s going to grow like a cancer,” Paula said. “If you forget about it, it’s probably going to go away. The media has to hop on everything and it’s wrong.”

My holiday card this year says “Happy Holidays” in ten different languages and I’m giving them to all my miserable Republican neighbors along with $25 donated to “liberal” causes in their names.

I don’t think that it’s her age that makes her an idiot.

It’s a special snowflake version of “Tommy.”

All this time she’s been in the news and I literally just realized her name was Tomi, not Toni. WTF is a Tomi?

I have to laugh that it’s always the left labeled special snowflakes when grown ass adult Trump supporters are fighting with Broadway, Starbucks and Kelloggs all at once. Boycott Froot Loops and Pop-Tarts!

Because she’s a mildly attractive white woman, duh!

Why are people listening to this person in the first place? We’re giving air time to the next Ann Coulter just because she wants it.

This is like that EL Chapo for head of DEA joke article that had to be refuted on Snopes because it seemed too plausible.

That’s one of the things that drive me crazy - those people whose sons were imprisoned for “doing less than Killary did” who have dedicated their lives to imprisoning Hillary. Hey, how about fighting to free your kid if you think he’s innocent, not demanding that so long as your kid’s the victim of an injustice other

“Well, in order for the Islams to get state secrets from Petraeus, they would have to have gay sex with him. And that would send them to hell. Just like pork-bullets! Checkmate.” - InfoWars, Probably

But emails or something right?

Anyone who criticized Hiliary for her emails, can now please shut the fuck up.*