
but isn't DARPA just a government agency that funds proofs of concepts, under the guise of useless nonsense, via pretty shapes and sizes, and unlimited funding? shit, sorry, I answered my own question

If you only look at a company’s cruiser lineup (because that’s all Harley builds), they all look pretty similar too. Harley doesn’t make sport bikes, adventure bikes, or dirt bikes, so you can’t compare those sectors. And if you think all Harleys look the same you aren’t looking very closely.

I never have been able to decipher the Harley lineup. Most all of their bikes look the same to me.

Gawker should have a blog called Shipping, just for this purpose.

Is Ryan Reynolds bike-curious?

Why would I want to buy a brand-new 30 year old motorcycle?

Trump has already responded to your comments,

I judge the heck out of other people’s cars when I park. I try to avoid heavily trafficked areas, both foot and motor, but not park in the middle of nowhere (stray carts)

NK has engaged in reckless acts of aggression ever since the armistice, and I’m not just talking about their bellicose rhetoric.

Seriously...Kim...dude... eat a Snickers.

The UN cutting off his supply of Cristal, Henessey and DVDs is probably going to make him even more angry. Maybe they can send him some Snickers bars.

You almost had me? You never had me - you never had your scoot. You’re lucky that ridin the clutch on your two stroke sorority- mobile didn’t blow the welds on the intake! You almost had me?

The only thing that’s obvious is that Eva is using this factual or fictional ‘incident’ to launch her mommy blog.

Goddamn. I’m not sure if she has already filed a lawsuit against them, but if she hasn’t, I hope she does.