

1960 called and they want their jet back.

Gotta have red seatbelts when there is no rollbar.

No rollbar? Deathrap.

Easter is three days away and I already found an Easter Egg:

Fiat? Is a travesty.

Harley has been building functionally the same basic bike for, what is it, 300 years now?

Chrome used to make cars look more expensive, now it makes them look cheap.

There’s twenty horsepower, right there:

Dude, it’s a Nissan, that’s perfectly normal. Have a Coke.

I will see this movie if everyone of you sends me a ten-spot. Please PayPal to fuckthatshit@google.com

I’m sure he did that for no charge because he’s a Superman fan. Sure.

Has there been any Kickstarter scams yet? If not, why not? A clever fellow or two could make all that shit up on a laptop, make a fake prototype on a cheap modeler. I would never do this because I’m too lazy and not a criminal so, you know, boring.

I’m gonna fly to NYC just so I can point and laugh at that thing.

Not bad.

Interesting concept. The owners must be Cartel chiefs or something, they are afraid to show their faces. Maybe they owe child support or made a commercial for Trump.

This is a disturbing story! But what really has me concerned is where are all your Lesbians going to compare armpit, hair-weaving techniques if Jezabel goes down? Damn Hogan!

Italian? That looks like a Goddamn Miata!

What’s that sound? That’s the Headhunters emailing Gawker furiously.

Saying something I can’t afford looks like shit is like saying I wouldn’t fuck Charlize Theron if you paid me.