
Your daily reminder that Kathleen Kennedy has been in tjis business for decades and neither knows who you are nor care about your uninformed opinion.

You guys need major therapy for your KK Derangement Syndrome

It’s a Zelda game. You don’t have to do any of this crazy building stuff. If you need a mine car or glider it’s often already sitting there. The building is gravy. Really delicious gravy. 

Cara Dune died on the way back to her home planet. 

What do you think it means for something to be held together by metaphorical duct tape???

It’s just a phrase, calm down. He’s not going to be replaced and, due to the things you yourself pointed out, he really doesn’t need anyone to defend him and his place in comics.

I’m a huge fan of their Deus Ex and Tomb Raider games, and this type of narrative game style is right up my alley, so this actually makes me more excited for the game personally.

There’s more black people at Veiled Prophet Ball than work at the AV Club

It may be difficult to believe for some of the younger folks, but if this is the last chapter in Ellen’s professional story, it’s kind of a tragic arc for someone who was ground breaking in a lot of ways and the kind of person who, once upon a time, was an underdog worthy of support.

Now playing

The early stuff, when Alice Cooper was still the band not just the lead, is really solid and a fascinating trip through the birth of Heavy Metal from its origins in Psychadelic rock.

Compare a song from their debut album Pretties For You:

And frankly that’s what I love about MODOK.

I have a very close trans friend and pretty soon after her coming out we were having a random conversation where she mentioned that she didn’t like movies like Lambs and Psycho — not even that they weren’t good movies, just that she finds a problem with their equation of psychopathy with gender non-conforming

Yeah, I completely agree.

I don’t want to say Ian’s take on this game’s camera and controls isn’t valid because everyone’s got their opinion, and this is a new release even if it’s a port so who knows if it feels different, but it’s definitely an unpopular take and if it controls like the original it’ll be a very fluid

His comment on the camera controls also felt a little off to me. Like, the point of the game was that it was giving us a 2D-esque experience within a 3D world, so it makes perfect sense that we’d be given carefully curated camera angles instead of a free-range camera.

Yeah I definitely don’t agree with Ian’s take on the game, but I guess it’ll hit everyone a bit different. Playing through the main game with my 6 year old was a blast, I’m excited to play it with her again now that she is older and won’t need to warp as much. 

Yeah, I feel the same way. In fact, my girlfriend who is positively shit at 3D platformers managed to beat the entire game because the controls were so good. Sure some levels took a bit long cause she had a hard time learning some new skills like the long jump, but it was never because of the controls that she had a

The original on Wii U is literally my favorite Mario game. I say this as an older gamer who has been here since the NES days. It’s the perfect mix of tight “2D” linear game design, with the more open movement of a 3D Mario title.

“Super Mario 3D World just doesn’t play as effortlessly as I’d expect of a Mario game, a feeling perhaps compounded by this re-release coming hot on the heels of last year’s Super Mario 3D All-Stars, a compilation which included some of Mario’s best 3D outings. Add in a wonky camera that only gives the player a bare

Love that sound effect.