
Other than the fact that he used to work for UChicago over a decade ago, I have no clue what this has to do with the University of Chicago—they don’t own it, they don’t have any official relationship with him or the foundation, and the library is going to end up about a half-mile away from the closest University

As others have directly and indirectly said, it sounds like you don’t really understand what’s going on. There is ENDLESS privately owned land on the South Side that could be used for this, not to mention a huge parcel of land next to Washington Park that would have been such a better location for this. Instead, they

Ha, that was my thought as well, WHY would I want that shit?

Curious how it’ll look--hard to tell much from the trailer--but I am HYPED!

True, but after that trailer ... I think I’m more excited for Ultimate Alliance.

The only PSX era Square game I never really gave a shot--even though I loved VII, IX, Xenogears, and Chrono Cross. I know it’s a bit of a black sheep in the fandom, but I’m excited to give it a try.

Could they maybe be ghosts in the train graveyard, or somewhere like that in Midgar? 

Hoo boy is this movie ugly, character design wise. Look fine, but it’s hard to believe this is from the same company that made things like Wall-E and Brave. Brave was a turd, but a beautifully designed turd, at least.

Funnily, “Scrubs” is such a perfect name for that show I can’t imagine anything else. Lawrence is hard to place for me—I’d rather watch paint dry than ever suffer through Spin City ever again, but then I LOVED Scrubs and really enjoyed Cougar Town too. I haven’t watched this, but it looked like a great network TV show

If they’re going to rig this shit, which they clearly do in many ways, then they really should think harder not only about who they keep around, but who they should send home. Silky is a bad drag queen and kind of a shitty person, let’s be honest, and the judges just did her dirty by keeping her around so long. I know

I’m SUCH a sucker for rom-coms, but as theaters become more annoying to go to and blockbusters get bigger and bigger, I’m only going to the movie for a special experience, and rom-coms rarely pass that bar. I watched this after hearing some recommendations from friends and and very much enjoyed it. It’s nothing

I know it’s a small nitpick, but the fact you mentioned that a character known solely for running fast is in a car for this is just so stupid. I’m glad to hear it’s good, Sonic and Sega could use a win, but my nostalgia for Sonic has been so numbed by years and years of turds that I can’t bring myself to care about

I can understand your point, but I think their point is that he wasn’t quite intended to be that way in the Japanese original, but a rushed/shitty translation leaned into it. It would be fairly easy to still make him a gruff badass without leaning into the Mr. T/RDJ in Tropic Thunder stereotype.

Sounds exactly like I expected and exactly as I wanted--I just want to watch these people have fun together because they’re hilarious.

I don’t know about how attractive her voice is (although she is beautiful) but the affected voice she put on in “Another Period” was fucking hilarious. “You shall be called ‘Chair’ now.” “Muddy muddy! Scrubby scrubby!” I love her in general.

I don’t know why they couldn’t just cut the scene so that as soon as Jon get’s close enough to pet or touch Ghost, they cut to a closeup and use a regular-ass white dog (or white wolf who’s human friendly). Ghost isn’t gigantic in the show or anything, he’s maybe slightly bigger than a big wolf, so just have him stand

I ALSO fucking hated Scooby Doo as a kid. I never laughed or was scared/surprised/entertained in the slightest, the story was the exact same every time ... and I am not saying I had amazing taste or anything, I watched a lot of garbage like all kids do, but I’ll never understand Scooby Doo.

I’ve watched one episode and I loved every second. BUT, a note, other than some of the same production team and hybrid human/animals, this show is NOTHING like Bojack. At all. This show is wacky and surreal. They’re going to get compared for obvious reasons, as people in the comments seem to be doing, but they are

After Modern Vampires was so, so good, and Batmanglij leaving, I was ready for this to be a disappointment--so I am ECSTATIC to read this review. I’ve loved the singles, but they’ve been all over the place so I had no idea what to expect. Yay.

I was SUPER bored by the first Ant-Man (it was just never as funny as it thought it was) so I put off watching this one for a long time ... and I very much regret that! It’s much more confident in what it is than the first one. The first one felt exactly like it’s behind-the-scenes shenanigans would lead you to