
AV Club's increasingly snarky take on news of this sort makes me extremely happy.  Keep it up.

Once it got into the Melies history, I absolutely loved it.  Asa and Chloe realizing who he was, his realization, his past with his movies and his wife, a lot of it was poignant and beautiful.

The movie was full of slapstick, but it's up to you if you don't think so.  As for editing, I'm sorry Mrs. Schoonmaker, you're usually immaculate, but this was just poor.  It might have been a combination of the script, line-readings and editing, but it just came together to give many scenes an awkward, odd vibe that

You're not alone Tasha!  Although I didn't dislike the movie as much as you, I agree with you that the central theme of the film doesn't end up being about film and the love of it and all that.  I loved the parts that had to do with early film, but a majority of the movie focused on other plots and themes.  For some

I mean, sorry to knock you Spielberg, I really love you, but the Macguffin really didn't have anything to do with it being a shit movie.  You could have made a decent movie using crystal skulls, and yes even the aliens could have been worked in if done right.  The mess of a story, horrible CGI and CGI-stuffed "action"

Man, what a great song.  I love "Goodnight Rose" and "Halloweenhead" as much as anything he's ever done, so apologies for failing to mention them … the rest of the album is rather bland though.

Ryan Adams has become such a hard man to love.  First I get annoyed by his constant weirdness and his constant release of undercooked albums … but then when he gets around to making a rather classic-sounding, typical release that he obviously spent enough time on … I get bored.  I'm not saying A&F is like that, I'm

Man I was so happy to hear that song in that movie!  Good taste, Kristen Wiig/whomever produced that soundtrack.

Agreed.  With most "classic" shows on Netflix I start with seasons 2 or 3, so I know they're in their "groove."  So when I finally cycled through Cheers back to S1, I was really impressed at how full-formed it was.

I totally agree!  I haven't rewatched the whole first season since it aired, I just had such a negative opinion of it (after the perfection of 2 & 3), but I went back and rewatched the last ep of S1 and it was hilarious.  So now I'm really confused as to what I was watching back then.

You are perfectly entitled to your (stupid) opinion, and I (angrily and regretfully) respect your (stupid) right to have it.  Just kidding.  I love the show, and everyone I've turned on to it loves it as well, but the parts you've named are some of the best.

I wasn't impressed with Arrested Development's pilot either.  It wasn't bad, but it certainly didn't show me even the slightest hint at the masterpiece that show became.