
Yes, you should be in favor of social justice, duh.

“Shit posting” is what you are doing, the same-ass boring derivative whiny crybaby right-wing dreck that’s all over the internet. Why not try to be original?

Yeah, and when he invites literal anti-semites, it’s all just for laughs!

Yes. You should care about other people. You should be in favor of social justice. It shouldn’t be that hard to understand. I don’t care if social justice makes you uncomfortable sometimes. It’s a lot better than the alternative.

They should hire Nathan to come up with a better system than Kinja

I don’t want them to Stop watching. I want them to keep handing over their ad dollars so that we can keep hiring women and minorities and we can keep infuriating these dumb fucks

This has been the best season of Rick and Morty so far so way to go ladies.

I find it funny that he’s most animated when he is having a conversation with his brother aka himself aka a literal empty chair. lol

There are certain similarities w the wire in terms of oppressive/gritty urban textures and environments but Mr. Robot takes things to a much more surreal lynch/cronenberg/kubrick place IMO. The Wire was always much more subtle/realistic/objective/journalistic and visually subdued than Mr. Robot.

this site redesign is straight up unusable.

Cool, that’s exactly what Ernie said three years ago when people on Gawker complained about how bad Kinja was. Maybe would’ve been nice to implement at least some comment improvements over GMG stuff at launch. I’ve worked on websites and overseen redesigns and there’s no chance we’d release something this drastic with

Same thing happened to me. Basically I did that a billion times, then came back to this post and it’d logged me into my AV Club Disqus account. See if that works? Try an incognito window?

(It does really fuckin’ suck.)