
The censor commissars of this board are usually more lenient than the over-zealous civilian informants of the A.V.S.S.R in their hunt for counter-revolutionaries and class enemies though so chances are the post will be unflagged again. It was a very serious thought-crime though, i read it.

Aha, interesting! That is some fine research you did there, so the translators seems to have actually been more clever (thoughtful?), not less, as one could think at first when the names seemed to have nothing much in common. While in fact both was the most common road name and then it turns into a very logical

You are right i forgot the BBC was first with that title. America is innocent this time. :)

You mean not sounded right because it is to bland/generic or because it would be offensive or something? I do not understand how you mean maybe i am a little slow haha. This is kind of interesting though because it is apparently both about culture and language. Not just words and mechanical translation as one could

Now i also pictured you sounding like a seal and slapping your flippers together while that happened. Funny :)

Ok, interesting thing is that Lærkevej literally means Lark Road so why name this show Park Road? Are there rules for how to name translated tv-shows? Are larks uncommon in America? Do they not name roads after birds there? Is Lark Road already taken, already a thing, a title, something famous? The Killing was

Maybe her vaginum is a gremlin!

I see, that would explain most of it. :)

In fairness it's not entirely clear if he means he disdains her politics or her acting and characters she plays.

Be happy you are not a "rightie" then, you would pretty much not have anything at all to watch or listen to. Also, if the "righties" can can stand that 95% of people in entertainment have different political views or a different opinion on something, then a "leftie" should be able to handle that maybe one or two

The impression an outsider get from America is that they have so many cop cars that it is actually kind of plausible that they would not really notice instantly if one went missing :)

But witches were real, sure they maybe did not have all the mystical powers they were accused of having but people who believed in various sorts of magic and mystical stuff was very real and also the people who wanted to punish them for that. There was also several other dimensions to this, as it was always an

I just read on another tv review site one of the commenters there who speaks greek seemed to verify she actually did speak greek, with a weird, hard to understand accent but it was greek. So my theory is maybe not really correct either then. Just so you know :)

Not a very know fact is that a very common (and tragic) reason for broken necks leading to paralysis and sometimes even death comes from playing "throwing boots" often while being drunk. You throw the boot between your legs up and over your back, you know what i mean? I am not sure what it is called in english.

You could have all that without 10% tax on baked goods. You could have all that with just a very low flat tax or low percentage progressive tax, IF the money was spent intelligently and on the right things. If there was a roof on spending, if government only spent money on what they need, and only spent money they

Romany greek is not greek, he also says it is the language of the gypsies. Gypsies do not speak greek, they speak romani in some localized version. In romani Abbadon would probably be just Abbadon. The witch-woman does not speak greek either as far as i can tell.

Ok, you do have a point here i just exclusively associated the expression looking badass with looking "criminal" or "dangerous" but the word can ofcourse have a broader meaning than that. My bad :)

Probably because looking "badass" usually becomes quite low priority once you are over 25 or something. :)

They DO actually make some good beer so i think they are real. :)

I do not think it is about money. The kinds of people who have a theoretical amount where it is enough, where they are satisfied, never get any money at all. Because they also lack the ambition or sense for competition, or whatever we shall call it. The people who do not have any limits for an amount or never are