It is illogical to oppose a black vulcan.
It is illogical to oppose a black vulcan.
Since i was the only one mentioning buddhism i apologize, i was obviously thinking of hinduism in my example.
In Scandinavia it is definitively not socially accepted to marry your cousins either even if it is perfectly legal. But mid west America = very much Scandinavian roots, right?
On the contrary scandinavian gods looked like scandinavians. The special thing with them compared to other gods is that they could walk among us and looked like us. They are/were not mystical spirits or beings we can not even face or anything like the guy we usually refer to as God/Allah/Jahve. They were not…
In the mythology he is more of Odins half-brother than Thors, but Loki is actually the biological son of giants (jotuns) or ice giants as they are called in the movie. As Teller of the Fuckin Truth responded to Lovewaffle under here. In the mythology Loki is the character that is most open for interpretation since he…
If they must have a black guy in a movie like this the best role would have been Loki because Loki could probably look like a black guy. Loki could look like anything. He is half-giant (half-jotun) and he is also the father of a wolf (Fenris), a snake (midgard-snake) and the mother (!) of a horse (Sleipner). He is a…
No, not this article but the controversies themself apparently says that. Ok, if the answer is yes, then my follow up question is why?
So you can cast a black guy in a role that has previously been drawn white but you can not cast white kids in roles that have previously been drawn asian?
lots of epic battle scenes
That teaches you that you are not supposed to do THIS when you are at work. I think a large part of the financial problems of today is because employers are paying millions of people/hours for not working. To make it even worse, people who work in front of computers are usually paid more than others.
Why do people think they have so much power that they can overthrow centuries of tradition?
I love onions!
A prude? That was obviously a reactionary nazi rayciss post from a typical white heterosexual male who wants to chain all the women to the stove in the kitchen. Also, christians.
You are absolutely right about the east asian countries i guess i just instinctly do not count east asian countries as non-white countries. In the daily political debate about whatever it is not east asians people talk about or refer to when they say non-white. On the contrary liberals are sometimes "racist" against…
Almost EVERY non-white country on earth have bans, jailtime and/or death penalty for gay stuff. You do not hear liberals whine about that. It is for example illegal to be gay in Jamaica (but only for men haha) i have not heard any journalist ask Usain Bolt about that. I have not heard anything about not letting Usain…
Actually the have decided that was not rayciss:
He's just an ordinary guy saying what we're all thinking though.
Please give me an example of MANAA being hateful and awful. Or better yet, give me an example of MANAA protesting a fallen soldier's funeral with anti-gay slogans.
Considering every one of your arguments has been thoroughly trashed by other posters
Ok thank you for sharing. Now after you got all of the ad hominem off your chest could you maybe focus on the actual topic of the discussion? :)