
Also the colonel was not his wife who he shares his life, his past, his secrets, his sexlife, his politics, their child, family, economy and whatever with. Those two seem waaaay to close on almost every level to actually kill or hurt each other, not even leave each other. She is just as much his political advisor as

Mos Def backwards is Fed Som, and that was apparently what happened.

It does not matter if she was arrested this is a matter of principle, not technicalities or semantics even if i do know that liberals LOVES those kind of dirty tricks. Witches or whoever else mobs were instigated towards back in the days were usually not officially arrested either. Besides, it is - as always - a

She tried to make him realize in a harsh way she does not love him so that he would see that whatever he thinks they have is not real it is only in his head. The whole message was "YES, i did have sex with someone else because i do not want to have it with you i do not care about you" and all that.

Well you should not only just give a F but rather be completely furious by the way this is heading, everybody should. In Europe they are dragging people to court for just saying "offensive" stuff, and by "offensive" i mean how some liberal and/or minority subjectively feels about it. People get fines and even

One could then say when the body did not dissolve he found himself being in a bit of a "pickle"?

With his douche-hair-do. Actually douchehairdo sounds like some french food or whatever if said fast enough.

With Alex Cock.

Liberal and hypocrite are synonymous. Things (stories, events?) like this really points this out too, since it highlights EVERY PART of their hypocrisy. The whole process in detail. They do EVERYTHING they usually accuses their political counterparts of doing, and they act contrary to every belief and value they claim

I answer here i just have to point out that while the "presumption of innocence" might not be legally relevant if it is not a criminal trial (i do not know the details of that) it is still ethically and morally relevant. Right? I am not really talking about the trial and the lawyers, i am talking about the angry mob.

Uncle Bubba’s Oyster House where Jackson claimed African-American employees were required to use separate bathrooms and entrances from white staffers. Jackson also said African-Americans were held to “different, more stringent, standards” than whites at the restaurant and that Hiers regularly made offensive racial

So this gold-digging bum Lisa Jackson claims a bunch of stuff with no evidence or anything, and then gets backed up by some gossip rags. Solid case this. There is not even a picture of this Lisa Jackson on the interweb. The only Lisa Jackson i found was the "U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator" and i

Because gender quotas is a universally idiotic idea. It creates an incompetent and unfair society. It has nothing to do with "hating women" or any b.s like that. If a woman is the most competent person for a job i want that woman there. I do not want a woman on a job just because she is a woman. That is where it all

I moved my post up because i replied the wrong person, excuse me. However it could be a reply to you too. :)

The votans who built the space arks were space liberals. They did not attack earth they came in peace and thought it was uninhabitated, when they got here they were surprised. The first thing they did when they got here was to join the U.N, as any good liberal would. Just as they were close to negotiate a peaceful

True, the robots is probably even worse for the stocks than the analysts.

All of them?

Michael Cera IS that character George Michael. There is not other actor who could do that part as good as he does it. So whatever you think of him in other movies or tv-shows he actually is great in A.D. In my opinion anyway.