
The ideology of trolling strikes again. In the old days humans solved issues by discussion them, in these modern times some humans start discussions to create issues. Not to solve, more just to have more issues to worry about and tax us about and rule us about and social engineer us about. And write about and blabber

The ideology of trolling strikes again. In the old days humans solved issues by discussion them, in these modern times some humans start discussions to create issues. Not to solve, more just to have more issues to worry about and tax us about and rule us about and social engineer us about. And write about and blabber

Yes, i would agree it is a silly place to discuss this but liberals do politics just like this so then we anti-liberals also has to do it. This is what they call "grassroots" but more often it is really "astroturfing" because there are no actual grassroots who are pulling the strings (usual liberal lies). Anyway, they

I am no expert on the details as how America is run but i can give you example of "less government" and i am sure you have similar things in America. Where i live (Sweden) we have local politicians who run things. These politicians gets elected and gets a seat on the "city council." We also have socialized medicine,

What are their solution to global warming? Is it not the usual "give more money to us (politicians), to minorities/foreigners and to banks"….."more taxes"…."more laws" and more "white guilt"?

Well, liberalism is not about examining key issues but just about attacking people you disagree with. Actually one main central point of liberalism is to NOT solve issues. They are against that. On the contrary, they create new issues. Liberals need issues so that they can tax people, appoint people handling issues,

Yes, three-ish out of fifty-ish commenters is a veritable onslaught of conservative lurkers. That is the same kind of liberal mathematics who worked its magic with the California state budget, right? :)

The worst things with liberals and liberalism is the constant projection and shameless lying. When a liberal accuses someone else of doing something, you know two things. Firstly, he is lying and secondly, the liberal himself is the one actually doing or thinking whatever he accuses other people of doing. This is