
an injured Willis Reed unexpected limps out of the players tunnel and, as the crowd goes wild, totally kicks Nolan’s ass.

-Stannis Baratheon

“and he’s only a sophomore so I don’t care”

Big deal. His kind of game might be conducive to winning a Final Four or the occasional Olympics, but he’ll retire without a ring (unlike his brother LaLebron).

92 is good but maybe something around 255 would be better.

After diddling around for a few years trying to figure out what to do with that team I’m sure he’ll just get sacked.

He doesn’t need to worry about blowing a fourth quarter lead as long as Jed York as owner.

After the coaching carousel of the past few seasons, Niners fans can rest easy in the certainty that they have a coach committed to the long haul. They know he won’t run.

What are they talking about? The Patriots led for exactly zero seconds in the Super Bowl.

No way Walhberg plays a Jew. Creative liberties in script will lead to Julien O’Dellman.


The Mark Walberg movie about this is going to be insufferable.

As I saw on twitter: at one point, ATL had an 86% win probability, the same as HRC entering the election.