Dubblewhopper-a dubble negative

I bet every single one of those vehicles has a dead Uber Level 5 autonomous test driver in the back underneath the carpet.

I classified the Escalade as a EUV. Egocentric Utility Vehicle. Because you use your pathetic ego instead of everything else you can use the truck for. Hell the commercials are proof that it’s all about your shitty crew and your ego.

It is a 1995 Yugo Limousine concept.

Vegan? Is that some millennial euphemism for vinyl interior? And I only want a meat-based interior. Bacon wrapped steering wheel and a nice veal covered seats.

I haven't tried Maynards wine, but I heard they're good.

Fancy tool

I was thinking a 1,000 hp Justy would create havoc. 

I forgot about Peart. He would have loved a red barchetta. 2020 took too many good ones.

Lost opportunity to run Portal 2 on potatoes.

I’d like to nominate Timothy Leary, Eddie Van Halen, Freddie Mercury, Jimi Hendrix...oh wait, do they have to be alive? If so, the guy who sells me the good kush.

1st Gear: China can keep Buick and Cadillac.

I agree with you 100%!

No pictures of the "back seat rthym"?

I’m not a real doctor, but I play one on TV.”

I will leave this, Keith fucking Richards is still alive, did he inhale embalming fluid like it was cocaine and no big deal?

I WAS just getting over this gutted loss, but AC/DC has a new album coming out next month so there is light at the end of the tunnel or is that a freight train...

Your loss of control at Taco Hell had me screaming TORA! TORA! TORA, because that's what taco bell uses. Then everybody wants some! 

Well, I played Women and Children First on repeat all day.

Well shit........

The only time I really felt this way was in 1980, and I saw my dad break down over Lennon's assassination.