I don’t know if Kansas has what it takes to win it all, but I can’t think of a better 30th birthday gift for Perry Ellis than a national title.
Back when I played sports
and all the way into college athletics I never played with anyone as audacious and swag like fucking arrogant as that cocky motherfuckerI sucked, so now I’m salty.
Better than Obama
Trump is awful but undoubtably better than Obama who is one of the worst presidents ever.
Here it is:
Pretty corny, dude
Why do you assume he doesn’t have reasonable working knowledge about Bernie or Hillary or any candidate really? Seriously, I’m asking. Is this just a general sentiment about people and who they might support? Is it because he doesn’t share your views? Doesn’t support Trump? What gives you the automatic assumption that…
I’ve tried this for years and it doesn’t seem to be going so well.
Shocking that an Andy Reid coached team would have an issue with time management.
Regardless of how damaging Republican policies are, the overwhelming empirical evidence shows that Republicans are more personally charitable than Democrats.
It is well-established that Republicans are more charitable givers and volunteer more than Democrats. (Sources: Huffington Post, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, The Federal Agency for Service and Volunteering.) If you count stuff like hand-wringing over who had more Oscar nominations, you might have a point.
That’s all well and good, but if I set my alarm for 20 minutes, I’ll lay there thinking about falling asleep for 20 minutes.
It should be pronounced “GO-bulls”. That’s what it fucking looks like, and I don’t expect people speaking a foreign language to pronounce every American name in the “proper American English” accent. Unless you’re taking a German language class, pronounce the name like it fucking looks, and don’t be bothered when…
Q-tips belong on that list too, generic cotton swabs suck more dick than Tom Brady
he is also, by all accounts I have seen a genuinely decent human being.
and therefore completely ineligible for political office.
Zamboni that shit.
Yeah I was hoping for something a little more . . . nuanced and intelligent. For white people who do care about race issues, and actually want to know how to learn and help, this was not helpful.
“academic setting” - likely where you were brainwashed. Exactly the last place to “learn” about racism.
Yes, I do. As a minority, I understand that racism is a complex subject rooted in years of culture and is perpetually evolving, and that generally white people don’t have a great perspective of it because they rarely experience it firsthand.