Dick Fiddler

This is what I’ve been calling him ever since a previous article on here about him. Haha.

I have to agree with the first sentence on the grounds of when they had jerseys with players’ nicknames on the back a couple of years ago. There were way too many that were basically just the guy’s initials.

Um excuse me? You stole that from me.

I clicked in haste, as well, thinking that’s what they said.

Aw shit. I haven’t had a Take Five in like... 10 years. The Snickers Peanut Butter Squares are my favorite.

I knew they were talking about making Gordo the new face of the franchise, but this is ridiculous.

Yeah, it’s not like grinding out at bats to put the ball in play, never giving up, and aggressive base running to force hurried plays were part of the Royals’ game all year. Oh wait!

Thank you for this. Especially pointing out the popcorn. Haha.

It depends quite a bit on what type of beer. I’d say a good rule of thumb is anything boozy, or with live active yeast and sour bugs in the bottle will age the best. Boozy beers will mellow as they age, allowing different flavors to come forward (as an example, I think I’ve heard Samael’s Oak Aged Ale, from Avery,

Yeah, it’s really difficult to get noticeable pumpkin flavor in beer. It can be a pain in the ass to brew with, too, depending on what form and when you’re adding it (the jury appears to be out on the best way to add it), so most of the flavor comes from spices.

Agreed. I used to do the same thing.

That’s right. Gotta find that happy “Three Stooges Syndrome” medium.

He took quite a rip!

The invisible walls in the outfield of the K can be a real bitch.

Haha.. I miss Craig Ferguson’s practically nightly jokes about Rob Ford.

which I guess is part of the glove?

Apu approves. After all, the Ny Mets are his favorite squadron!