Dick Fiddler

They are actively trying to distort the process by telling voters that X guy isn’t a REAL candidate, and that pisses people off!

Turns out, the phone was a plastic fake and the effing wallet was empty. So basically, they schemed about screwing me over well ahead of time. Yay for humans!

No one. You’re required to be miserable and hate everything, and make anyone who expresses otherwise feel miserable.

Articles like these continue to validate my decision not to join a frat, in college, though I had friends who were trying to get me to join one. The whole idea of paying to hang out with people who may not even like you was all it took for me.

Ha yeah, I know what you mean. I had kind of forgot that it was right in the middle of that stretch. You could call it a classic “trap game”, but no excuses, you got to be ready for that, regardless.

There are teams like the Raiders and Browns who just suck, but then there are teams like the Chiefs that make you think they’re good, and then remind you they actually suck.

Might be the greatest tweet I’ve ever read.

I have to say, these articles make me feel a little bit better about being a Chiefs fan, seeing that the grass is brown on the other sides, too. Haha.

Niles Paul sounds like the lost third Chris/Cliff Paul brother.

Brb, sending a mass text to all white people.

I actually watched most of it, and I’m kind of in disbelief about it.

It makes my toilet sad.

“Congratulations! In Germany, it is considered good luck to have a beer spilled on you! As per tradition, this round is on the house!”

Good choice. I just procured a touchstyle guitar (like a Chapman Stick) and have been discovering some King Crimson as a result.

I nearly laughed at loud at just the title of this article, as I’m sitting here, needing to work, but not doing it.

Fantastic. I have some random stuff to pick up from the store, now.

Medium rare, sir. Medium rare.

The last sentence reminded me of this:

Haha.. I sometimes wonder how people can deal with being so offended by things all the time.

This website often has so much bias and they don’t even try to hide it. I didn’t see exactly what happened here, as I was only able to watch the last third of the game, or so. But yeah, I refuse to believe the Royals just became huge assholes over the offseason, especially given that (at least earlier in the season)