Dick Fiddler

My experience regarding the online is that it has been infinitely better than the Wii version, so far.

I'm from Kansas, and this thread is the first I've ever heard of coffee milk. And this is as someone who loves coffee.

Well, I think this article, and subsequent comment thread have finished off the last of my faith in humanity.

Some of the phenols produced by hefeweizen yeast strains taste like banana.

Indeed. Scott Brooks was joking after the game that he'd suit up, himself, if he had to.. Haha.

They really didn't have an alternative. I was watching the game, and even though it was close for most of it, I knew the Raptors were going to pull away just because the Thunder literally were unable to give most of their players any rest at all. By the end, Perk/Adams were the only guys who could get rotated out..

Apparently not. Clearly, it's cool to hate everything, these days.

In my experience, those monthly tests typically happen late at night, when I'm nodding off, and the volume is up enough to scare the shit out of me.

I remember thinking during this play that he did that on purpose.

Ten Fidy is my all time favorite imperial stout. Drinks like a much less strong beer (obviously dangerous). I can't wait to get my hands on some again, soon.

Best tech blog comment I've read in a long while.

I think those will get announced in October. Today's event was mostly for iPhone related stuff.

I've never understood all the love for the n64 rainbow road. I've always thought it was way too damn easy, especially after the challenge of the original.

Show me potato salad!!

One ding of the bell: We talk like we are German.
Two dings?: We are still German.
Three dings?: Draaacula!
Four dings?: Italian Bill Clinton. "Wassacominago!"
Five dings?: Room service! *Ring*

Hey, Spock! What do you want on your hot dog?

Great post. I hear people complain that Nintendo games are repetitive, and then talk about how they're excited for the umpteenth iteration of CoD for 360.

My friends and I have a saying. When we go in guns blazing in a video game, (or just really recklessly) we say we're "going in Brosnan style!"