Duarte Boaventura

Thank God… This guy jumped the shark in Bush's first term. I'm not a republican, Im just tired of his point of view. Plus, I hate how he always belittles other parts of the country when bad things happen to them, like they aren't really suffering, but as soon as a rain drop falls in New York he gets all misty eyed for

For the sake of my own ignorance, what would you all suggest one does if they are facing a false allegation? What if a large number of people are wrangled together and coached on testimony? I'm not saying that happened, I just want to know what you're supposed to do to defend yourself if that DID happen.

The Americans' "Foxness" overshadowed the rest of the show. Too much confidence, too much sexiness, and, with the cold war as source material and Russian spies as the main characters, I was hoping to see a more sympathetic depiction of the USSR. I think that seeing things from their point of view, like why they would