Duane Cummings

The theatrical version had holes in the plot I can admit that, but overall I did enjoy the movie. The bluray version had a much better flow to the storyline and that version is the one I preferred. Is BvS a great movie? Not by any means, but it was good, now that Geoff Johns has creative control, I look forward to

Ok :)

You have your opinion, I have mine. I'm not here to try to convince you.

I enjoyed the last fight. To each their own…overall the movie could have been a lot better if Snyder focused on a story rather then stringing along different iconic comic book scenes together hoping the story would tell itself that way. He over stuffed the movie, which created too many plot holes. We'll see what the

To each their own, the opening sequence looked great, Batman's fight scene including the batmobile chase, the court scene in and outside the court were well put together, Bruce's parents being killed, the shots that came after that, Aquaman's intro (though brief, still looked great). Yes the last fight was dark, but

They keep giving him chances because people fall prey to Snyder's beautiful visuals. He is not a director, he should just be the person that puts the visuals together and let a strong director take the helm.