
So the old, rich, racist, sexist New Yorker is taking credit for a positive trend that started before him? Hmmm...where have I seen this before?

Yeah - I don’t think Americans as a whole are resentful of people who are well-off, in general. It’s entirely another thing, though, when you start talking about ludicrously stupid levels of wealth. Bloomberg could spend Sanders’ entire net worth (and then some) with about as much thought as I give to buying a cup of

It’s like watching a poorly designed chat bot get caught in a dialogue loop with itself. If someone doesn’t kill the procedure, it will just keep running and running until the server it is hosted on either crashes or physically shuts down.

I would argue the opposite, as it cemented her appeal to me. It shows she’s thoroughly thought out all the basics, and while yes, the ultimate plan will wind up different, you have to start from something. The others have been paying more lip service to it without anything substantial to back that up (I believe that’s

Nah, just two people who support Sanders misunderstanding each other... it’s called being human. We ain’t perfect. 

No, because I can’t trust them at my back. They’re just as anti-black, anti-Jew and anti-woman as bros can be, and that includes those who are Jewish, black, and female.

Bros are not allies, they are people I wish would stop “helping”. They are not here for the Big Tent, they are here for Their Tent, and they can fuck

Wait, wait, for them to tell you that Bernie bros don’t exist, AS THEY ACT LIKE BERNIE BROS. *eyeroll*

Nah... you right. I guess this is what happens when your constantly having to fight against falsehoods and bad faith attacks.

So what wraps this up? You’re both talking past each other, and seem to be generally aligned aside from that.

“Objection your honor, Are we to take Shakira’s word that her hips do not lie! What proof do we have of the honesty of her lower body?  Why my client could claim that his feet don’t fib and shake them around for you as well if that will speed up the end of this case”

You can blow us up now, Iran.  It’s cool.

What is this post other than a bunch of random twitter posts full of confirmation bias?

I never said he was a civilian. And if we’re going to start saying assassinating government officials responsible for war crimes, civilian deaths, and acts of aggression, there’s more than a few US ones who are going to be on that list. 

“We whacked a state official.” Who is also the head of a terrorist organization.

What would the US do if Iran had suddenly killed a popular US leader with an airstrike?

While this technically isn’t wrong, it ignores the reality that killing “a general” instigates without fundamentally degrading Iran’s, the IRGC’s, or Quds’ ability to retaliate.

Hell yeah motherfucker! USA! USA!!! Can’t wait to celebrate some dead Iranian civilians! Fuck yes!!!! Flag covered coffins arriving at Dover AFB by the thousands for decades to come! THESE COLORS DON’T RUN MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!! A generation of US soldiers, and Iranians (soldier and civilian) with irreversible

How’d he go 27 hours without playing Lacrosse? 

Nikki Haley actually said “The people” should decide Trump’s fate, not a bunch of congressmen. Ignoring the fact that congressmen are elected by the people and responsibility for impeachment is in their goddamn job description.