
we clearly need to look into why MLB microphones are the target of these bee swarms. Does the foamy material look like it’s honeycombed already? Is it just easy for them to dig into? Can a repellent just be applied to/embedded in the foam ahead of time so they wouldn’t target that spot to begin with?

should have started @55 seconds :)

You hiked the John Muir trail? I too circumnavigated the trail around the base of Muir Woods National Monument this very year!

a pHsaw would be a substance that cuts the pH in half. He’s just trying to represent tripotassium phosphate ya’ll.

The Hearsts and Pulitzer did it back in the day too. I’m not saying that what Assange did is “right” but I think the First Amendment allows yellow journalism to exist.

so small states have too much power in the House, or small states have too much power in the the electoral college, or both? Personally, I think every state should have one vote per 100K residents (minimum 1) plus 2 for the electoral college.  There is SOME logic to sparsely-populated areas still having more

If I read you literally, you are saying that Florida and fly-over states are the best and Texas and the coasts suck.

hmm...I don’t think the lines would follow the curvature of the earth.  Merely the curvature of the universe.

Steeplechase style. Shortish concrete walls with a small moat on the far side (from the plate) of each wall

If Houston can have Tal’s Hill, the infinite outfield can have buildings, barbed wire fences, sink holes, wells, and food trucks.

which dinosaur are we talking about? Archaeopteryx? Microraptor?

his singing is what gets me to twirl the dial instantly whenever I hear a PC or PC era Genesis track

Stop that Pigeon! was most excellent. I still carry that album in my car everywhere I go.

any parental control settings that might be triggering?  You could also check in task scheduler to see if there’s anything obvious.

Is “Active hours” still capped at 16 hours, or can we extend it to 23 or 24 now?

I like that he registered a burner account just to point that out. But my mind is getting stuck in an Inception loop.

nuke?  unintended consequences?  how about a whole lot of quite expected consequences?

40 years ago they thought Mars was possibly dry.

the water shell would be an oblate spheroid as well.

C’mon, use “manufactured on” or “produced on” or “created on” or “born on” dates for all products. It tells consumers the relative age of similar products while, gasp, being honest about how long things have been on the shelf.