
2 “stable” ones per pairing with the planet in question (in the ideal 3-body scenario), although one would think that the presence of other bodies would certainly screw up any semblance of stability.

however, for Jupiter and Saturn, isn’t the atmosphere considered as part of the diameter of the planet? Is there a different standard for gas giant (and ice giant?) from rocky planets?

He may hit 295 kilos on the scale, but he’s over 6 meters tall. Give him a break.

who is that that the Packers are playing? the Colts? Jets?

The most critical reporting on this story still needs to be done. Why so much overlap between Michigan and California city names? Oakland county courthouse. Lawyer for child #2 from Beverly Hills, MI. Lawyer for child #3 from Berkley, MI

she sought an order of protection but wasn’t granted it? well, then she must have been a lying liar. So any subsequent abuse that has occurred must be false or inherently her fault and well deserved.

so Judge, how big is daddy’s dong?

Jombie Zew ?

Daytrading and performance chasing are probably also less profitable nowadays because of the likely-illegal, but still existing, computer servers in close proximity to the exchanges which pre-buy/sell in bulk and in effect take everyone else’s money away.

her step-father?

oops...i see i just got trolled.

wouldn’t that be Jane Bradley center? Thought she and her husband Lloyd Pettit went in on the arena shortly after they built the Ice Center, so the Pettit name was already used for Milwaukee area major sports complex.

boil it in water?

Re: cake batter... Shouldn’t there be some healthcode violation involved with storing a batter for days? I realize that if refrigerated, the dough/batter could be solid, but the little Salmonella buggers can still scoot over the surface just fine if the water inside them isn’t frozen (which means you need to be

lots of little buggers can be inside the meat before the animal dies. If you *KNOW* the animal was 100% healthy before its untimely demise, that’s one thing...but less-than-optimally-healthy animals get served up every day

simple: he works for the Bucks (or is a partial owner). Or he owns the hotel that visiting teams tend to stay in. Or he’s just bought into trickle-down economics.

except that a USB 3.0 connection is quicker than spinning up an internal platter drive

(MS-owned) Sysinternals’ Process Explorer can do a handle search for what programs have open which files/drives. More often than not, it seems that the blocking program is an antivirus scanner which left open the last file it scanned.

Safe mode? is the damned thing running Windows 98?

One must remember this is the Brewers we’re talking about....