This is what shows up if you wish for a 300ZX on the monkey’s paw. No dice.
This is what shows up if you wish for a 300ZX on the monkey’s paw. No dice.
People had been conditioned to expect friendly AI female voices and rogue (read: evil or intimidating) AI male voices by sci-fi movies and shows long before virtual assistants ever became a real thing, my bro.
Fun fact, if you look up “completely made up stories about street racing posted to internet forums” a picture of this car comes up.
It’s a shame they wasted such a good beat like that on such terrible lyrics.
Unless you’re into goths, then definitely pick them up in a hearse.
*Amishbeat intensifies*
Man I hope MBMBAM finds a way to bring this up on the podcast.
That practically goes without saying: everything about your posts here resonate with the energy of an emotionally balanced woman untroubled by resentment and secure in their success.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, this post is downright biblical.
You are incorrect and dying on the wrong hill. I can’t get into more details without risking my livelihood, but they are not getting chips at the expense of Silverado.
I bet you call them “ricers” too
Incorrect take.
Thank god I am not your friend.
I have a ‘21 N Line, it is a hell of a car. How could you think Hyundai forgot about the N Line, they just came out and hit dealer lots 10 months ago.
“The Hyundai Sonata N Line is Hyundai’s response to the Volkswagen Jetta GLI…”
And not just any woman, but Rebecca Heineman, who went on to co-found Interplay and help develop the original Bard’s Tale trilogy and Wasteland (a/k/a Fallout Before Fallout). She even valiantly — though fruitlessly — attempted single-handedly to get Doom to run decently on 3DO.
Black people being turned away from vaccine drives because white people put on bronzer, braid wigs and backwards baseball caps to jump ahead in line to get vaxxed in black neighborhoods
Immediate axle shaft failure at 30% throttle.
If you can’t down a big gulp and hot dog whilst handling a stick shift, you shouldn’t be driving.