
I agree! The law is the law. 

I was I was on this website because I actually care what happened to that poor 92 year old man and wanted to make sure that the woman who attacked him so viciously was getting what she deserved. So I scrolled down to read the comments and then read yours! And you are an extremely sad individual who wants racial divide

There you go again with the name calling. do you think that when you call me horrible names That affects me? All it does is prove my point even more . there’s NO WAY you’re in college. You you can’t even have a proper discussion unless you’re cursing anybody who disagrees with you.

The the language you use in these posts and the horrible names you call people that don’t agree with you CLEARLY shows you are uneducated.

I am a Donald Trump supporter 100% and I’m very proud to admit it! things need to change and he’s the one who’s going to bring about this change. you’re angry and bitter because he’s not going to let you get away with all of the crimes you commit against Humanity. I have respect for every president that I have had in

of course they blame everything on Trump! That just shows the total ignorance they have and that they only look to themselves and what they can get out of society. ( whether it being blaming the cops for absolutely everything when  they or their own relatives get arrested for doing illegal crimes, murder, etc., (welfar

troll? Suck off Trump? all that comment shows how ignorant you really are about the ways of the world. I can tell just by your comment that you have no respect for anybody. And all you want to do is cause more separation between our races and start a race war. That’s what people like you do! it’s sad. You have no