
Southern guy with roots dating back there to the 1700's and with ancestors who fought for the confederacy. Time for the fucking flag to go. Nobody in my family flew it or displayed it. Growing up it was always the most racist pieces of shit who had those things. The people displaying them now have absolutely zero clue

75 lbs cocaine = 34020 grams. Approx. 1.75 gram dose fatal [if pure.] So 19440 dead hookers. Won’t fit in trunk. Need a train . Or a tanker.

454g to the pound x 75 pounds = 34,050 grams of sweet, sweet cocaine goodness and or evil. Depending on what stage of life you are in. $80/g is average retail for buyers in the 50 to 100gram market =$2.7 million. You could realistically expect to get half of that before you are shot, stabbed and/or garrotted in a cheap

I’m a white guy, I would have kept quiet and sniffed it all

Wait, there should be a unit of measure for something like this. If I recall John Delorean was busted with 100 kgs of Automotive Alternative Financing Instrument i.e. coke. So what if 100kg is a Delorean

Oh noes, well I mean if he was critisizing the cops, clearly it’s fine if they push him! Can’t let that free speech go without a violent response! Lol wut!?

“tighter than dick skin” lol

Ya’ll are goddamn tripping. This shit right here is tighter than dick skin b.

What a tough guy you are. Kill yourself you fucking clown.

Wow blaming an old man for falling over backways and hitting his head on concrete because he was being nice to the cops, that’s pretty cold Kenneth... what’s your badge number?

How the fuck is backpedaling assaulting advancing riot-control cops? Seriously. Explain this. Either you are a complete moron,are so up the backside of the orange man in charge, or want a totalitarian state. Maybe a combination of all three.

This is true. My friend yelled “touchdown!” one time in a bar and Roger Goodell showed up and kicked him in the nuts.

Are you KKK or just a run-of-the-mill white supremacist?

Chauvin and the three other cops who stood by while he murdered Floyd are responsible.

Who’s responsible? The cops for killing a man for committing a non-violent crime. For deciding George Floyd didn’t deserve due process and a fair trial. Innocent until proven guilty? Nah. If you’re a black person it doesn’t matter what you did or didn’t do, the cop may decide to be the judge and jury and send you to

The cop, you total piece of shit. Trivial crimes should be treated in a humane manner and should never escalate to this kind of violent murder. Let the man go, it’s a fucking (ALLEGEDLY) fake bill from a man who hasn’t been allowed to find work in months.  The cop doesn’t get to decide it warrants this kind of force. E

Since when is the punishment for passing a counterfeit bill death? And also, when did we decided cops get to bypass the court system and execute people? It's funny how "innocent until proven guilty" gets thrown out the window when we aren't talking about white guys.

Do you not believe in due process? The shop owner that called the police did not know Floyd or believe that Floyd definitely knew the $20 bill was fake. He just reported a counterfeit bill. That’s the thing with counterfeit money, often the people using it are completely innocent as they’ve been handed the money by

There’s a lot of cash that flows through a bar or restaurant. Might I have been paid unknowingly with a counterfeit bill at one time or another? Possibly. Did I then unknowingly pay someone with a counterfeit bill? Possibly.

When I was 15, I received a bogus 10 dollar bill in change, and noticed that it appeared a bit hinky. Called the cops, they came and took the bill and said it would go to the Treasury Dept. I was not recompensed. But as a white guy, neither was I fucking murdered. So fuck you, asshole.