
Now that’d I’d buy. It looks like mean A-team van. Just needs the red and black paint on it.

Well what an ugly pile of shit those are...

So is this Found On Road Dead or something? Isn’t that how that FORD thing goes? It’s too early too Google and I’m lazy.

When did Faraday Future change their name?

Cute car I guess? Whtever us Jalops say about your car, ignore it. I’m sure it’s paid off(hopefully) and if you aren’t having issues, keep driving it. That is better than keeping up with the Joneses and having high ass car notes. But also, kinda know what you have, it’s just a prettied up Mondeo. I wouldn’t go

Couple things. His tire psi was off. And his rear wing wasn't adjusted correctly.  And his front splitter not adjusted properly either. Good thing it wasn't a mustang though. A whole crowd is still alive because of it.

False. Uber and Lyft love to give out “Free” ride promos or “$5 off” or something. Lets say you get a “$5 off” promo. The ride cost $5. The $5 coupon makes it $0. Uber has to pay the driver. Driver didn’t just do that shit for free. And also, in the other comment, they charge less than the ride is actually worth. It’s

Lmao. I hope I'm not the only one who thought of Charlie when I read that.

The commentary on the video from the guy recording and his wench was very irritating.

I agree. The only new Merc I like is the new CLS. But not enough to trade in my 2014 CLS. Plus their efficiency standards dropped the motor output. I’m not sure, but I think my 14 can beat a new CLS. But Mercedes is turning into Cadillac... They are losing their way. But they’ll never go broke because rich people


Lmao did anyone notice this dude’s fingers? He has them wrapped in gauze and tape.

Cadillac sucks. Period. I used to own a 99 Deville, an 04 and an 05 DTS. I loved them all(minus the 04 and 05 having headgasket issues with the Northstar). They all rode really well. They were big and roomy(especially the 99 Deville). They had enough power to move it on the highway and merge areas. Fuel mileage was

Yea no doubt degrees are important, dependent on field. I read you’re a geologist. Degree would be useful there, lol. But I think the big overall push for everyone to have a degree is wasteful. I’m not even I’m tech. I manage a structural inspection group. I am not an engineer though. But at my level, it’s more about

6-figures here! No degree! And no manual labor! I sit in an office, program management. Just some certs here and there and some Army Aviation background. It got me in the door, my work ethic got me to 6 figures on a salary. In the door salary was around 63k. My main thing is no student loan debt. I’m 36. All my

I have this 2007 Audi S6. What a POS. It’s had all types of weird problems over the years. I hate the car. But I love the v10 sound, so I reluctantly keep it. But anyway, I’ll run down some of the issues.

They’ll be winged after...

I don’t understand the problem. If Trump rolls back the standards, the automakers can still pretend the standards exist right? Why do they need to worry about a dual market. Stick with making CA compliant cars and sell them nationwide. This seems like a dumb problem. Like do automakers really just sit there and say

Back in 2005, I lived in NYC for my job. I was only there 3 years thankfully. But anyway, 2005. I was driving in the Bronx and going through a green light(plenty of witnesses, including a cop). Some asshat on a bicycle ran the red light and I T-boned him t like 20-25mph. He hit my windshield but his head hit my

Lighten up, Francis