
True statement! I had my name on the email list to hear about updates for the Asteroid months before it came out. I thought I had finally found the deck that I would be willing to replace my factory system with. Then it came out. Then I read reviews about how half-assed it is. Now I am just disappointed and


I bought mine in October last year and had the exact same issue. I also looked all over the Apple forum threads and saw that I was not the only one. The one I had also had network issues where it would drop off my [wired] network randomly. It required constant attention to keep it working. Because of the headache,

I think this was a great bit Mat. I get really tired of all the back and forth between who is better and who said what first. Many articles covering Apple or Android end up being filled with comments about who sucks and who is the best. I can just picture the haters reading this article with all sorts of retorts

That is what my 95 E320 looks like. Mine is black with tan leather and has these wheels for summer. They are great cars and mine has been rock solid dependable!

There must be a lesson here about Giulia door latch quality?

What the hell did he do that for? He was just about ran over with the back tire! It's all smoke and fun until someone gets their head ran over!

My '95 W124 estate will not drift in the snow no matter how hard I try. The traction control is just too damn good and will not let the back end slide out even when I really push it! There is no way to disable the traction control from the dash. Maybe I'll try the tire chains mode and see if that lets it slip a bit

That thing is awesome and I would love to have it as my choice apocalypse vehicle but I could do much better spending 100k on my underground fallout shelter instead. CP

Agreed. That looks like a fine example of nice price!

I haven't had cable or satellite service that I've paid for (an apartment I had 4 years ago provided free cable) in at least 10 years. Most of my friends and family also do not have cable. I have an antenna that gives me my local channels, that I never watch anyway, for free. The majority of my viewing is through

Because of this article, I just went through my FB list and cleaned out all of the people that I don't share anything with. This brought my list down to 58 people including my immediate family members and some extended family. I am satisfied and blessed to know that there are ~50 people in my life that I love and

"What friendly words did I have for him? None. So I de-friended him."

5th Gear: There, I fixed the color for you. Toyota must have tried to switch from their standard color by mistake when they released the photo.

I think this year will be MY year of the iPad. I do not own one and have wanted one badly but I think if the rumored changes come true, I might actually take the plunge this year. I would use the hell out of it, just like I do my phone, but I would really like the larger screen for things like multitrack recording.

Kind of reminds me of this:

This car has been for sale for a long time! My fiance and I ran across this car on [cars.com] 8 months or so ago. I remember the story being something about how the owners moved to the states from Europe which allowed them to take their car with them. Supposedly, it had been registered and driven in the states

"Has a cool little swamp cooler style cooler on the roof"

+1 on the Here Comes the Sun bit! Still laughing at that one!

Another Dodge product that has to be pushed even before it leaves the factory! The damn wheels have fallen off of the thing already!