
I loved this piece! I can certainly relate to Greg; I imagine he and I would get along well as I pull up in my 94 Mercedes E320. Well done!

Should have used FiberFix! :)

I think Stephen Lang is terrible. I guess I really only know him from Avatar but damn! So was he terrible in Avatar because of his dialog, the directing, a combo of both or is it his acting? Apparently I need to check out more of his work.

So far, I am really digging your articles. And from one old Mercedes lover to another, cheers! I’m a W124 man but would sure love to have an 80's SL for the summertime at some point!

That’s a 4-piece kit, not a 10. Cymbals don’t count when talking about how many pieces in a drum kit. And that’s.......one to grow on! :)

The rumor I read about season 5 is that Henry and Walt end up fighting over Vic? I really hope that is not where the show has gone.

What’s driving me nuts so far is that will all of the “streamlining” that happened with the Music app, I haven’t found any way to remove the “recently added” music that shows up on the app’s home screen. I wish that I could just go directly to my own library when the app opens without any extra clicks.

Also try “In the Mouth of Madness” and “The Mothman Prophecies”.

Elevator Operator!!!! Courtney rocks.

Yep, Mobil 1 0W-40 is the only reason I go to Walmart a couple of times a year. No matter the sale, it is always less than $25 there. One could spend almost double that at a typical parts store, pep boys, advance, autozone, etc.

Yep, Mobil 1 0W-40 is the only reason I go to Walmart a couple of times a year. No matter the sale, it is always

That’s not crosstalk, it’s by design. My 95 Mercedes E320 wagon does the same thing. If you have your front wipers on and then put the car into reverse, the car assumes that it’s raining (or otherwise) and turns on the rear wiper so that you can see where you’re backing up. I think it’s quite genius, especially for a

Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “I’m so hungry, I could eat the ass end of a cow!”

Jesse Eisenberg is such a terrible casting choice......for any movie, in my opinion. I really wish they went with someone else for this role. Watching the trailers for B v S becomes such a letdown when he is on the screen and talking.

I just finished watching all 3 and all I can say is that I wish these were the official movies. There were still parts that were cringeworthy with the terrible dialog and CG, but these versions were much more watchable than what was actually released. Great work!

As part of Trump’s plan, we will all be able to buy the cheese subscription every year.

I’ve heard lots of good things about the first book, “Trip Walk” in what will be the “Tripper Series” by C. M. Halstead. So far, just part one is out but part two will be out soon. For anyone looking for a long plot time travel series, this is definitely worth a shot.

The 3rd row was one of the main reasons I purchased a W124 estate as well! I love my 124’s. Sadly, the undercarriage on my wagon has rotted out to the point that I've had to take it off the road and I'm parting it out. I want another one really bad but there are so few nice examples left.

I am the oddball that will order a JB and Coke at a bar instead of the more typical JD and Coke. I think it tastes better. For a better mixer or even a sipper, the JB Black is very good for the price. I generally keep a bottle of the Black or Devil’s Cut in the house for whatever occasion calls for whiskey, which are

The key to success here is to start off by casting Dolph Lundgren...........

I park way out in most lots and in an end spot whenever possible. I just hug the curb, as others have suggested. I don’t ever double park or participate in any other parking lot douchebaggery. I think part of the issue here is that it was a BMW. As stated, BMW double-parking a-holes are such a cliche’ that it makes