
I love my Keens so much!

6th Gear: Needs MOAR Pimp!

I'll have to check it out. I've got no qualms about his talent. I just don't dig his style :) And you are exactly right about Portnoy!


That just BLEW MY MIND.

John Bonham is definitely a drum hero to me. Just last week I was listening to one of the Zeppelin live albums that included a solo during Moby Dick. That guy was a freaking mad man.

For sure the sound has improved. I completely agree with you about the illusion of the better sound equaling improved skills.

Man! Listening to some of the old "founding fathers" playing just completely mesmerizes me. What they could achieve on those flimsy archaic sets it totally amazing. I played on a set of 1980's Pearl Exports for 15 years and after having finally purchased a brand new Yamaha set last October, my playing has improved

While I like some Rush stuff, as a drummer myself, Neil Peart doesn't do much for me. His playing is uninteresting to watch to me. I think it's something about his heavy fists and the appearance that he is just slamming big clubs around. Just personal preference I suppose.

She teaches at Arcadia High School off of Latta Road. It's falling apart and with a budget gap in the $millions, it will not be seeing any improvements.

Are you still in the Rochester area?

I kept laughing over and over while reading your comment! Well done!

Volkswagen is DEAD. Long live Volkswagen!

This makes the term "single track" very literal! One bike behind another or you DIE!

Just for clarification, fjord water systems are supplying the cooling powers, not Norwegian Fjord horses. My family had a farm of Fjord horses so the title of this post was slightly hard for me imagine at first!

Not this!

I'm thinking that the pre-1890 response from any person around at the time would be to kill the foreign object with guns and fire! If it were me going back in time with one of these vehicles, I would request that it receives a full armor package first.

My fiance and I did about 90% of our holiday shopping online with about 80% of it from Amazon. We made one trip last night to the mall and target but overall spent no time in lines or battling through crowds. Compared to 5 years ago, I really appreciate how easy it has become.

Or if the fat lady is using AT&T herself, the call fails.

My most recent experience with a small local car dealer: