
My home button has also sucked the whole time. Sometimes I single click and it brings up the springboard. Other times I double click and it acts as a single. Sometimes, any kind of clicks do nothing.

It could use the GPS to confirm that you are in Tokyo and automatically enable the "Drift" mode.

I moved in with my now fiance a bit over three years ago and she had just bought a condo with a one car garage (Central New York). Her HOA had all kinds of rules too but since I didn't read any of them, not being the actual owner, I did my car work in the parking lots frequently, until I got caught. The head of the

Well, I was really excited to click on the link for the post when I read that it was a 2000-hp showdown. Then I read and did the math and figured out that it was only a 1999-hp showdown.

Very well put. Thank you for that.

"It's important that we don't let the feelings we had that day dull."

That's all well and good but can someone explain the difference between LOLZ and LULZ to me?

I had an 89 Sidekick for about a year that I bought off my mom for $1000 (this was ten years ago now). She had bought it as a vehicle to take friends and clients out in the field with on her horse farm. It pretty much just sat on the farm and was never used other than when my younger brothers would take it out and

"Why does the inside of your Prius smell like bear vagina?"

I'll give him $3500.....to kill it WITH FIRE!

In 2006, shortly after the new Chrysler 300C came out, my dad bought one. My dad having extremely poor taste in cars (and women, proven by his 5 failed marriages) bought one in the cream color with every option. Within weeks he proceeded to make the car look like it was owned by a 23 year old wanna-gangsta who made

So, I just put in my vote and man it was hard especially after reading through the comments! Like I said before, this is fantastic. If it were my money though, I just couldn't part with more than $5K for this K. My CP vote the minute I did it set the balance tipped towards CP. It is showing 214 to 213. Ouch!

It is one awesome project, but for $6500, it's a slight crack-n-pipe. Either way, wagons FTW!

I felt the same until I jailbroke mine. It still resembles iOS in that the screen still has the same number of icons on it, but that's about it. There are so many ways to customize how it appears and functions, when I get bored, I just change it up again.

I'm glad to see that some companies (other than Apple) are really starting to succeed at making gadgets super thin. The newest Toshiba tablet, the Samsung 10.1 and more and more phones are pushing "the thin" further than ever.

Doesn't this mean they just cancel eachother out? How could there be photographic evidence of this accident ever occurring? The cars should not actually exist anymore! The photo should just be of the two women standing in the intersection wondering what the hell just happened!

That last picture threw me off too until I realized that the photos perspective is showing the display side of the device at an extreme angle.

Just to put it out there, there has been so much talk about competition among carriers leading to lower prices. I for one have only seen my bill and plan costs increase in price, not decrease. Has anyone experienced decreasing prices on their plans or options in the last ten years? Please chime in if you have.

Well, I checked San Francisco's Craigslist, and I could not find the phone.

Well, here's to hoping that the iPhone 5 is of a new design. I have really enjoyed my 4 but I have to admit that all of the giganto-screened Droid wielding folks around me are starting to stir me up a bit. I still don't want a Goliath phone or even a Spartan sized phone, just a bit more screen size would be nice.