
Reading that the Judges last name is Alsup reminded me that I use to work with a woman named Betty Allsup. In the workplace, this made her computer login name Ballsup. I asked her about her tragic user name one day and she replied "Better up than down I suppose!".

To get to the rear bank and change the plugs (and especially the wires) on my 92 Mitsubishi Diamante 3.0 DOHC you had to remove the intake manifold. :(

For a boob guy with a foot fetish, this is unbeatable!

Metaphysical Graffiti and Beelzebubba are my favorite Milkmen standby albums. Death Rides a Pale Cow is also a good (greatest hits) place to start!

Crack pipe. 928's are hideous at any price, especially in gold!

Oh, ok. Then I was actually referring to this guy, Lou.

Dude, if that kind of peeping is your thing, I would guess there are several hundred websites that could have helped you out without all the mess and legal ramifications!

Brian, I wish you all the best and thanks for bringing us all kinds of cool stuff both right on time and sometimes much earlier than we were supposed to see it! Great work man and good luck in the future.

@the summer of stoke: "It'd be like driving around IN Gerry McNamara. "

Man that face looks like it's alot to keep up with! It reminds me of a Ken doll that my sister had that came with a little brown marker to paint Ken's face with and make it look like stubble.

I just hope Apple's next move will be to rip off...I mean copy...I mean be inspired by...I mean invent a brand new way to quick reply in the messages app exactly how Bitesms does!

"Providing wireless internet free of charge will also give New Yorkers a fresh incentive to spend more time outdoors this summer."

Did anyone else get a chuckle out of this line from the ebay listing?

"Mikhail Gorbachev's MB 560SEL is up for sale on eBay Motors.":

Fantastic story RyGuy. After reading on through this morning (I missed it yesterday), I'm feeling quite verklempt.

Back in the day (around 93-94) my dad bought a "Days of Thunder" special edition Lumina based off Tom's car from the movie. It was nearly as silly as the Dale car above and similarly came with a slushbox. I do admit however, at 16, it was kind of a fun car to drive since I had just gotten my license.

For some reason, this reminds me of a Dead Milkmen song:

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJackandCoke!!!!! I'm so glad it's Friday!

I think an off road Mini would be the only way I would drive a Mini but with the jeans those two are wearing, I am having second thoughts on whether I would ever drive Mini.

Drinking the Apocalyptic-aid.