
"The LS gets a monstrous adjustable front splitter"

@Cheeseslap is bombing a dumphole: At least it wasn't his brother Ridley! Then the commercial would have been filmed in ancient Rome and Orlando Bloom would have been driving the car as fast as can be to avoid sword fights and arrows!

@arozzi: How do you pronounce the # symbol when speaking?

@FodderTheSane: Lexus/Toyota has always sucked off of the competitors in my opinion. There are so many Toyota made clones of other cars out there, I lost count.

I hate the radio. I gave my girlfriend the antenna off my car because hers broke.

@Ash78, crunching numbers: I've got a 2003 Jetta Wolfsburg 1.8 T and even after 2 years of owning it, I am still thrilled with how much "GO" it has. I have not missed my Mitsubishi V6 at all.

I don't know. I have always loved Wranglers and have been jealous of my friend's sequential Jeep purchases. That being said, I am not so sure about seeing a nice shiny touchscreen nav system sittin pretty on the dash. I have been in mud bogs with water pouring in over the door sills a few times in his Jeep and that

Hey! I was just listening to the album in the playlist stream pic!

I suggested to my ex-wife that she gets a vanity plate that reads:

@stoke™, now with more Alcon!: Yeah. There's actually some bad situations here and there in the city (Avenue D) but other than that, you hit it on the head. And then there's this guy....from Fairport! Talk about pampered.

He was caught 3 blocks from where I work! What a baaaaad dude.

@FrankenPC: I purchased my iPod video (5th gen) at the end of 2005 and use it regularly still. Even the battery life on it is still good. I always try to remind myself to keep it away from the iPhone though because something about cell phone interference makes that magic click wheel do magic things like turn the

@JDickson87: True Statement! I worked on craploads of 70's and 80's Sears stereo systems as a repair tech in the late 90's. Clean the heads, replace some belts, replace the stylus....the damn things ran forever!

As soon as Grandpa lets go of that sucker, the kids arms are going to break at his elbows.

You're wrapping it wrong!

@WickedEast1: And he has no plates on his car either....or maybe he has no car at all. Simplicity by design (or age group).

@Steve_in_NC: You're last line and then the following picture has me crying at work!!!! Whew! Thanks for that.

@spiegel1: oops, yeah I meant Juliet.