
Your comment is triply hilarious!

My problem is that I think it's copying and you don't. It's just that simple. It's called an opinion.

Ergo, copying, that's what reposting is.

You have a different definition of copying.

This is why you're starting to see the term "original news" on CBS and other news organizations. It's not a "great job", it's copying someone else's work.

You missed my point. He just took someone else's story and reposted it. It's lazy journalism.

Great reporting! You summed up a longer article from The New York Times, good work.

I don't base my viewing on a "TedTalk", I watch it. It's empirically funny to me.

No one to extricate myself from, I watched two episodes and thought it was not funny.

Surely, you have mistaken me for Trudeau. In my opinion Kimmy is unwatchable.

Alpha House on Amazon is good.


Enjoy it, it's horrendous.

Another season of The Unbearable Kimmy Schmitt? Say it isn't so…

Armigideon Time and Justice Tonight/Kick It Over by The Clash on Black Market Clash.

Just check out the properties Paul has in Scotland and Arizona, huge acreage.

Passion Play…

How about the two versions of "We Exist" on Reflektor?

I saw him in "Largely New York" on Broadway in 1989. He had practically every type of dance represented and also used a TV to interact with his recorded image.

The ads they're running try to make her look like some kind of badass but it comes off as a parody of a tough woman drama. If she were cursing out paparazzi or journalists it might be plausible .