
Correct headline: So-Called Draft Experts Dramatically Wrong.  Again.

I’m pretty sure that the system limits the car’s speed when the sensors detect a puncture so keeping it out there wasn’t an option. I think. I have a vague recollection of them mentioning this on the broadcast.

Twenty six (26!!) year old athlete still athletic.

There were 8 track tapes for sale nearby....

I think $14.99.

I took this picture in March of 2019.  This item was not in a museum, it was for sale.

It must be tiny.

When I worked in an office building and someone repushed the elevator call button I always wanted to thank them profusely for their service.

I get that having players miss a small part of the year to preserve the team’s control rights is annoying, but what’s the alternative that won’t have equal or worse consequences?

As a 17 year old or so I was out driving around with my buddy in his dad’s VW hatchback of some sort. Rabbit probably. There was a very steep one-lane bridge over a creek near us in the back roads. We drove over it and said “hey, I bet we could jump this thing over that!”

Don’t forget leap day; totally skews the math.

Molly Sullivan > Serena Winters.  Fight me.

Totally understand it isn’t Street Outlaws but I draw a distinction between a controlled area “street race” where the only likely casualties are the racers who have all signed up for whatever bad happens and a noncontrolled actual public street street race that can and does end up in a mom in a minivan getting killed.

Is that a “street race” in the sense of “on a public street otherwise used to go from place A to B and it’s illegal what they are doing” or a “street race” in the sense of a closed area that isn’t a prepped track. Very different things.

Especially given that Harrisonburg, PA is not a place that exists.

Any system that can be predicted will be gamed and any system that is random will be annoying.  Fix the cars’ ability to proceed through corners near each other to make the racing better or accept that the races are what they are.

Wolves: For sale, GMC Jimmy, low miles. Asking $100,000 OBO.

“The two kits he used to turbocharge the car were close to $11,000 on their own, but Luis was able to sell off around $6,000 of the naturally aspirated parts he’d no longer need to make back a big chunk of the out-of-pocket cost”