This car is not a collectible, nor is it desirable. It may be a rare combo, but it’s a mass-production car and not worth what the seller is asking. ND.
This car is not a collectible, nor is it desirable. It may be a rare combo, but it’s a mass-production car and not worth what the seller is asking. ND.
He knows what he’s got. Good for him. Hope he likes it, but that mileage indicates he hasn’t much.
The dealers “know what they’ve got” - is it any surprise that they are just sitting? They will get tired of looking at them and paying floorplan interest eventually.
You assume there will still be Dodge dealers in 10 years.
This is going to be the Dodge version of the Lexus LFA isn’t it? Some dealers are just going to hang on to these things and raise the price every year because “it’s the last one” or whatever...
I'm a Mopar guy and have never once heard of such a program even once.
Ah, sorry. Yeah, no idea about Mr. Beast. He’s got that dead-eyed stare, and creepy smile, and YouTubers getting weird with their young fans seems to be a trend, so I wouldn’t be at all surprised.
Jimmy? Is that you?
Going to say the same thing. 25 thousand rolls of duct tape is BS. Even 10K rolls is BS. I cannot imagine the time it would take to unroll 10K rolls....At best, 3 mins per roll, so 30000 mins, or 20 days going at 24/7 for just 10K.
It’s painfully obvious how Trump won a second time.
$14K for a rusting pile of trash? Is this a joke?
The engine is a major disappointment. Big, heavy, and weak.
Eh, ND. To me the fun of a crazy-ass car like this is the build. It’s be silly excitement for a few weekend afternoons, but once you’ve taken your buddies for a their pointless 20 minute “holy shit!” ride, no one — including yourself — is going to be all that excited to drive it. After that its always going to be too…
An SI motor would go well in this thing for sure. Help balance out the weight load.
too much engine. I would want a turbo 4 or something lighter in the front end. I think this would be a great way to die but not at 20K. No dice.
Trumpster might start WWIII with all those nukes he’s been itching to drop, you might not have to suffer the whole 4 years. I live close enough to DC that I’ll go quickly in the first counterstrike.
More like 50 once he replaces Thomas & Alito.
You are assuming that the housing market drops but your wealth and spending power isn’t similarly eroded?
We’re all so fucked. I can’t believe we have to deal with 4 more years of this bullshit.
I’m way too anxious to run out of gas. I’m almost 70 and never even came close.