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    Cool guys don’t look at explosions.

    Wow, this is some top tier trolling from JD Vance.

    Okay, what’s the joke/story here?

    Check the engine bay photo.  That hood scoop leads to something...

    You don’t judge NP/ND on what you think you could negotiate down to.

    People still care about these movies?


    Or just have homeowner’s insurance and you won’t have to live your life in fear.  There are a number of other things that could cause a fire in your home, just sitting in there right now.  Are you going to put them outside?

    She gone.

    Oh shut up with the unnecessary liberal bashing at the end

    Bail and move to Central Illinois then.

    Yeah, I make $70k a year and I can’t afford any of this shit.

    Gen Z baby!

    Get rekt, Bonnie and Clyde.

    If there is even the slightest chance of comments being removed from Jalopnik, we need to create a subreddit NOW. At least we can save some of this decades-old community with a subreddit that creates threads for all the articles so The People can comment.

    We don’t make as much money as you do bro.

    Boy, some of these couldn’t be further from beautiful. 

    Premium fuel? Hah, at this price and age of vehicle, you just run regular in it and keep her under 50% throttle as much as you can. The computer will adjust the timing, you’ll be fine. You’re gonna want to keep a light foot on the gas anyway with the mileage these things get. Don’t fuss about premium people, in 3

    That’s not how that works.  With a typical car payment you are expecting to be able to sell the car when you are done with it and make some money back.  If this thing takes a total dump on you, its a pure $4000 out the window.