But Greg, karma has it's affects felt in the next life.
But Greg, karma has it's affects felt in the next life.
It doesn't benefit any other team (or owner) except the Yankees for MLB to issue a lifetime ban to Rodriguez. I'm a Red Sox fan, and I would love it if the Yankees were saddled with the remaining years and money on A-Rod's contract, now that he sucks. The Yankees were idiots for signing him to that deal, and they…
You're wrong about the rules of golf, Drew. Golf has to be a game of honor because there are so many opportunities to cheat. If I hit a ball into the woods, it's pretty easy to throw a ball down in a good spot and say, "I found it!" If I have a terrible lie in the rough, it's awfully tempting to give it the ol'…
Now that this ground has been broken, my idea for the salvation of women's golf might finally get some traction: make the "L" in LPGA stand for lingerie. Laura Davies in her knickers? Mmmmm...
Well, there is Leviticus 20:18, which states, "‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." You could deduce from that that God hates fags, or you could deduce that some priestly…
What up, another biblical scholar here. Ph.D. in religion, Vanderbilt University. College professor for 21 years. It is true that there are statements condemning homosexuality in the letters of Paul (namely Romans), but that doesn't invalidate anything that Tertullian said. I didn't see anything in Tertullian's…