David Hill

People do not seem to get upset when Jews our Christians are injured or killed in Muslim controlled countries so why would I worry about Muslims getting killed. The radical Muslims and the lack of the moderate Muslims to speak out on the violence of radicals have brought this on. It isn’t guns that cause this.

I am not going to stop because you do not like their political policies.

While you are doing this call your congressman or senator to act to stop murdering babies.

I am sick of you cry baby liberals. Supposedly in the Constitution you can murder babies. It is stated in the 2nd Amendment that I can own a gun even an AR-15,and I have a nice one, it minds its own business and leaves everyone else alone. If you want something done repeal the 2nd amendment.

Really, get a life, you have to much animosity in your soul.

There is only she or he in my vocabulary unless I missed something and science has proved there is another sex besides male and female.

Very sad that the younger generation needs a reminder that they have a kid in the backseat.

Go Trump. I am thankful he is the president considering the alternative.

Unfortunately it takes a great organizations like the NRA and its members to support pro gun conservatives in government to keep the rights the constitution states we have.

Well said but you will never convince a pro-choice person. Their science seems to be a little different than real science.

This article was written by a classless idiot. You can’t hold a candle to Peyton Manning. Sure he was not very good but they did win. I would like to see your Super Bowl rings.

Fortunately the people that represent my state believe in citizens rights and the second amendment. I suggest if you do not like the way it is, get your leaders that represent your state to start an amendment process to repeal the second. Good luck on that though.