Donald Trump's Official Dewlap Wrangler

Let’s also recall that the north Koreans only restarted their nuclear weapons program in earnest after the Cheney/Bush administration decided to poke that particular hornets nest.

You haven’t been around doctors much, huh

Sure there is. Tax the fuck out of the rich. Preferably before killing and eating them.

Whole forests would be cut down to make the paper for their ALL CAPS fundraising mailers.

Bring on the cracker camps

This needs many more stars

Long ago, in the before times, before torrents and Netflix and even, dear reader, before a thing the older among you knew as “Napster”, the Grammy awards thought they needed a separate category for metal.

QED, libcucks!

My favorite, “bewigged hantavirus” is also acceptable

Hey pal, see how long it takes YOU to transcribe something from a TV freeze-frame! Especially when you can barely read!

I love how they got just the right angle to accentuate how his eyes point in slightly different directions.

Hey. Ho. Go fuck yourself. I’m not even going to bother trying to make this a rhyming chant.

Concern troll is concerned. I’ll get the fainting couch.

No, because this hypothetical black person would be, in point of fact, correct: all white people SHOULD be killed.

Came here for this specific varietal of butthurt. Was not disappointed.

Concern troll is concerned.

The conscience of that family seems to have died with Coretta. (Eager to see counterpoints, just my perception, etc.)

The internet interprets social disapproval as damage and routes around it

Wait, is Strom Thurmond like cruelness champion emeritus or something, like how DJ qbert wasn’t allowed to compete in the DMC championships after his 6th title or something?

I remember him throwing a lot of otherwise progressive constituencies under the (reduced routes, price increased) bus in favor of rampant tech-bubble NIMBYism during his tenure. I’m not sure what progressivism is if you’re not sticking your neck out for disadvantaged groups, and I don’t remember him ever actually