
“Everyone needs to wait their turn” <<< Maybe this is his turn. Only his doctors can’t factor in what this man can or can’t do. They may make him wait, they may not. But if he has a living kidney donor, he’s not stealing a kidney from anyone waiting on the list for a deceased kidney. I received my kidney from a living

You can’t be paid for donating an organ. That is illegal.

You have to be in healthy enough of a condition to have major surgery. They make sure your heart is functioning properly. If you are overweight they will tell you to lose weight. They put you through several tests to make sure you are able to survive that kind of surgery. Some centers require people who have substance

Donating a kidney does not lower your life expectancy. My husband donated his kidney. People can live regular lives with one kidney. Some people are even born with just one kidney and go throughout their lives without even knowing it. Anyone considering donating a kidney goes through a very thorough evaluation to see

I am a kidney recipient. I participated in a kidney exchange and by no means am I rich. My insurance paid for part of it and the rest was paid by donations from fundraisers I ran. I know a lot of people who have difficulty paying for their transplant and medication so I don’t know where you got the information that