
Drink Drink Drink. I make sure my kid downs a drink when he gets home from school, a drink with dinner, and another drink before bed, and another drink if I think of it. On non-school days, a drink in the morning, a drink in mid-morning, a drink with lunch, then all the drinks I just mentioned before... and if they

Nothing like going to the ER for dehydration these days. Because of the shortage of IV fluid bags, they’ll give you one bag and send you on your way. Which means you’ve got to go home and just pretty much sit there with a jug of water even though your stomach is not up to it. What’s needed is at least two bags, so you

The problem is that some ISPs silent proxy port 53, redirecting all DNS requests to their own servers. This is where secure DNS comes in. actually provides support for that, but most OSes and routers don’t; you need third-party software.

Why would you want to play Tetris? You pals with Putin or something??

Could be SW: Plugging in a USB device causes Windows to load the relevant driver and if the driver is buggy or misbehaving then... Windows could potentially BSOD with no dump and do a restart. Maybe sometimes it works because the system is not always in a state to trip up the driver. I would discount this explanation

The problem is I’ll eat two donuts whereas I would have only eaten one muffin. I am coming to realize it is better to focus on what will satisfy your appetite rather than what has the least calories. (It is also a good idea to get comfortable with the idea of throwing food away when you feel full, economics be damned.

Yeah? I remember when Maximum PC was boot magazine.

Thank you for this info. Our dentist wanted $5k for Invisalign, and my dental ins. offers zero coverage for orthodontics.

Basically if you are 40+, stay away from women under 30. Also, haven’t most of us been made to sit through mandatory all-employee sexual harassment training? I know I have, multiple times.

Thank you for this. I happen to know a bunch of Dave Ramsey types who end up being dogmatic penny-pinchers. Sure I’m not going to pay off my house early but I’m living a life where the overriding question isn’t always how can I save money and pay debt?
Of course it is also dependent on your income. Below a certain