You’re wrong. The Ultimate Warrior is dead.
I drive for uber, mostly because I’m a broke ass teacher. Uber pool is the worst.
Right? Why can’t kids wear their pants like the greats! Like Dimaggio!
Ahhhhhh! Why are her legs a different color from the rest of her body?!
Not so hot take: if the kid went up there trying to break the backboad, he should pay for thw replacement
No one is allowed to no-sell the AA like that. The opponent should be expecting a call from Vince any minute now.
No way I put professional wrestling before MMA.
I have absolutely no idea how you can justify that behavior by saying she just has a “Type A” personality. Know what having a “Type A” personality is called? Being an asshole. Same with douchenozzles who justify their poor Behavior by calling themselves “alpha males”. You’re not an “alpha male”, you’re just a dick.
You have weird justifications for breaking the law.
Me thinks snapchat might not be the appropriate platform to release this video then. *shrug*
He doesn’t generally look like that. He did have to drop 25 lbs of water weight and (some) fat to get to 265. I’m thinking that has something to do with it.
Anyone else find it more than a little bit weird that there are only tiny snippits of this convo posted? And that this convo was recorded secretly?
Ok. You can fuck off now.
Jones’ sample wasn’t processed the same day. It was from 3 weeks earlier.
That’s a fucking lie. She’s fameous for fucking some terrible rapper and her mother leaking it on the internet. Without that, she and her family would still be nobodies. And they all got the idea from Paris Hilton. Quit pretending otherwise.
Ive walked over 20 miles in the past two days playing this damn game. It might just get my fatass into shape.
The average American scores a 20 on the Wonderlic. Average police officer 20-21. Top score? 50. The guy who sued scored a 33 and the police academy said that was too high. Too smart to be a cop. Unbelievable.