
This is incredibly well documented but here you go:

“Hard to believe a man in a polo ran past me screaming “I SAW INSIDE HER BUTT” on Saturday night... we must Do Better! WALL...”

Crossing my fingers that a rogue yearbook staffer puts her photo back in the yearbook right before the pages go to the publisher (as a former yearbook staffer in high school, sticking it to the administration is a cause near and dear to my heart).

i know it’s a low bar to clear but the fact that her classmates are so immediately and vocally standing up for her just makes me so happy

At a minimum, if they make it competitive enough it would force the GOP to pour money into Texas to keep it thereby denying them they money for some other race.

I’m guessing a portion of that money came from Cruz’s colleagues in the Senate— Democrats and Republicans.

I am so damn thrilled to have contributed to this.

like how Linton sits “sidebar” at SoulCycle

Agreed. The reason why they catch so much shit is because they are the quintessential sellout generation. Their parents lived hard lives, and used their power to create a system that would provide good support for future generations. And to their credit, the Boomers had fantastic ideals early on! But once they faced

Baby Boomers had everything handed to them and they squandered it, fucking over multiple generations in the process.

Right....because a clear backpack would TOTALLY have stopped the expelled student carrying an AR-15 onto campus.

I was listening to NPR last week and heard this story about this book, A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg would stomp a mud hole in Donnie like Yoda on crack.

Right? *swoons sarcastically*

He’s conserving energy, the body is like a battery with a strictly limited amount of juice... sheesh do you even biology?

“You have him turn around so he can have deniability!”

“Women don’t need men to beat up other men to defend us. We do, however, need powerful legislators to hold abusive men to account and ensure they don’t, for instance, get a lifetime appointment to a court which empowers them to make decisions about our lives.”

I don’t mean to brag or anything but since I’ve been listening to the Hamilton soundtrack on repeat for a week I’m KIND of an expert on political duels now.

I’m so damn proud to be from California.